Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Let’s say goodbye to discolored teeth, as we’re here to bring that sparkle back.

Whitening, or “tooth bleaching”, is the most common cosmetic dental procedure. There are various methods of performing tooth whitening like – physical cleaning, chemical bleeching, exposure to special type of light to accelerate / catalize the chemical bleeching etc…

Our team of Cosmetic Dentists will provide patients with a wide range of permanent & temporary whitening options depending on weather one wants to restore the natural shade OR wants to whiten them beyond the natural shade.

Starting Price: * Rs. 10,000/-

*Note: The starting price mentioned here is only an indicative value to give a general idea to our patients. Actual cost will depend on a variety of conditions like (but not limited to) diagnosis by the Doctor & respectively recommended treatment plan, patients health condition, bone & gum health, choice of materials made by the patient etc…